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Name of corporation: Ngarrindjeri Regional Authority

ABN: 50 034 502 371


Notice of annual general meeting of members


All members of the corporation are advised that an annual general meeting of members will take place as follows:



Time:               10 am

Date:                15 December 2017

Place:               Murray Bridge Community Club, 1 Sturt Reserve, Murray Bridge SA





1.         Confirm the chair of the meeting (in accordance with the rule book)

2.         Apologies

3.         Accept proxy votes

4.         Minutes of the previous annual general meeting (AGM) and matters arising

5.         Corporation reports (CEO’s report, directors’ report, financial report and auditor’s report)

6.         Appointment of an auditor for the next financial year (if required) and their fee, or authorising directors to set the fee

7.         Election of directors, if applicable (chair declares positions vacant, appoints scrutineers, if necessary, conducts election in accordance with              the rule book and declares results of election)

8.         Special resolutions (if so, state what the special resolutions are)

9.         Any other business




Members should check their details in the register of members at the AGM

A member has a right to appoint a proxy. A proxy must be a member. Notice must be given to the secretary at least 24 hours before the meeting advising the proxy appointed.


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